have u ever hesitated, or stopped doing something because....because of many reasons. because someone has tried and failed, because YOU have tried so n failed. maybe because u think that the results will not be desirable, or because u are worried what others will say. i mean, how many times have u allowed yourself to be held in check simply for the reason of because? did u miss out on the greatest love of ur life, because...? it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all!!!
my friend nursed two new born kittens for almost a week, but despite her best efforts, the kittens departed, dearly missed and loved. she developed strong affection for them, paku and belachan, in spite of the short time she knew them, and their loss hit her deeply. she questions herself, should she stop doing this, because she failed? because despite her best efforts, they died?
i was introduced to a new business opportunity recently and today i went for a workshop teaching us how to deal with objections and obstacles. do we hesitate because we lack time? because we need to ask permission from our spouse? because we already have abundant? because its too risky? or are we simply held back by ourselves?
our biggest obstacle and strongest objections come from ourselves. stop making reasons!!! excuses!!! the fact that u tried, despite ending in failure, means that u were willing to take the risk, to invest-emotionally or financially. u dared to jump! taking the step, jumping at the chance, making the effort does mean something. to the kittens who felt loved before they died, to the person you were willing to trust, enough to take a chance in. if u don't try, u don't know.
so go ahead, jump!
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