Sunday, May 07, 2006


i've been reading a few other people's blogs...some to pass the time, some to catch up on my friends...something caught my eye recently. have u seen the highly acclaimed movie, sepet, directed by one of malaysia's finest, yasmin ahmad? this is her blog...she tells a fine friend recommended it to me...

the movie, sepet, was about love and friendship, but more importantly, it potrays the heart of malaysia. where colour and race...counts, but it's not the most important thing.

when i was a kid, my best friends were my partners in crime. we laughed, we played, we cried together....when i grew up, thanks to the education system, i soon realised that we were competitors too. we had to compete for places in the best class, in the university, in the government scholarship scheme. it was then i realised that my best friends were different ....colour.....

thanks to the government, i learned that it was not my contribution nor my efforts that really matters. that equal opportunities are not really equal. that my birth, who i marry and my religious belief is more important when obtaining a loan, purchasing a house or even starting a business.

i saw some children playing today at a fast food play area....and the colours i saw were beautiful...they were all mixed the coloured balls in the play pen....colours of the rainbow...colours of harmony....

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