if u are chinese, u may have heard of the phrase -speaking without thinking. it is such a widespread disease nowadays, i wonder if it is infectious or inheritable or perhaps it is just doggone difficult to control.
a religious man with influence in a large community in malaysia made a very STUPID remark not too long ago. he said "kongsi raya celebrations and open houses could erode muslim's faith and lead to blasphemy". it was baseless, proofless and vaguely instigating racism. when has partaking in the celebration and festivities of another race lead astray one from his religion? is the will of the muslim faith so weak that the sight of mandarin oranges and murukus drive them from believing in their one true GOD?
what makes the infidels (those embracing a different faith from muslims) so bad anyway? does believing in Allah means that u can do no wrong? please, i believe that all religious faith are good as long as the believer practises according to what the faith preaches. unfortunately, there are many out there who follow blindly and worse still, there are those who purposely misleads, due to their ignorance or perhaps their personal twisted perspective and understanding of their religion.
just because we may not follow the same path by embracing the same religion, it does not mean that we do not believe in the same cause-PEACE n LOVE
so, if u happen to be in a position of power or influence, stupidity is a poor excuse for saying rubbish. for ur words are heard by millions, and ur embarrassment multiplied manifolds when u open ur mouth and show how little is stored in that head of yours.
When the mouth stumbles, it is worse than when the foot does. -Oji Proverb
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