Thursday, July 12, 2007

something to be proud of...

not too long ago, in our malaysian dailies, splashed across the front pages were these statements : "we are so-n-so's somebody n proud of it"...

well, nothing wrong in that except that ...the somebody was a prime suspect for a murder case. in fact, this was noted by the murder victim's father...who questioned what was there to be proud of???!!!

to be the first malaysian to conqer the himalyans...that's something to be proud of.
to be the first in the family to get a degree...that's something to be proud of.
to be the person to be help out at an accident scene (instead of just slowing down to get the plate number for investment at toto of 4-D)..that's something to be proud of.

i seriously cannot understand what is there for the family of the murder suspect to be proud of???!!!

if my dad was in a trial for possible murder, i would not be shouting my pride for the nation to see.
if my husband was having an affair with another woman, i would not like that to be made public.
if my boss was to have his integrity and his actions questioned, i would be asking the same questions myself.

even though the verdict has not been reached, even though one is innocent until proven guilty, let us keep our senses and act with a sense of decorum.

don't abuse the limelight for a moment of sensation. it would be easier to win the public's sympathy with an appropriate show of support, not make a circus out of it!

nor is this the time to make the headlines with statements and photos of untruths. its a real shame how morals and intelligence erode in the bright glare of spotlights...perhaps they were never there in the first place?

show us something that malaysians can be proud of. it is after all our country's 50th birthday.

proud to be a malaysian?


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